Sunday, 9 February 2025




(Episode 2 - “Waynad Connection”and other incidents)


                                     (Manjapra Aaaraattu)

A lot, actually. My grandfather was working in Wayanad in the Forest department (watchman or something), for a paltry monthly salary of Rs. 5/- or so, or may be even less, some 100 plus years back … ! My father must be some 7 or 8 years when my grandpa died of Malaria. That was very common those days, and working or even living in Wayanad was worse than being in the cellars of “KALA PANI”. And my father had to look after his old mother and elder sister. There was no scope for going to school when making the ends meet itself was a tough challenge for him.

You may be knowing that there were only two choices for poor brahmin boys in those days. Either learn and pass lower / higher Shorthand and Typewriting, and take a train to Bombay, or may be Calcutta. The second, and probably less costly option was to go to some town in Madras Presidency (Consisting of the present Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Andhra, or Kerala). One day, my dad took a train to Calicut. Just as getting the job of Stenographer or Typist (those qualified in Shorthand and Typewriting will be taken as 'Stenographer' and those who passed only Typewriting will join as 'Typists') in some Office at Bombay or Calcutta, getting the job of server in some good hotel was also very easy, comparatively. And the biggest attraction was that your accommodation and food is taken care of …... !! He joined a popular hotel at Calicut called “Modern Café” in SM Street, opposite Radha Theatre. It was one of the busiest streets of Calicut. (Just like all brahmin boys working in hotels here were called “AMBI”, boys were generally called “Konthai” in Kerala hotels. IDENTITY CRISIS?). I must find out what all those Bengali boys working in Kerala Hotels these days, are called… “Khokon”, may be…

Anyway, thanks to his extremely fair complexion, and long hair, very soon he got into the good books of not only wealthy and regular customers, but also the proprietor, Lakshmana Iyer. He became so  close to Iyer, that occasionally he would even take charge of the ‘Kalla’, when Lakshmana Iyer was away. Dad soon became his right hand… !!

The Hotel owner would take my dad along whenever he went on vacation with family. Life was slowly getting greener for my dad. But his well-wishers (those rich and loving customers) had some other plans. One day some of those good natured people called my dad privately, and told him.                                                                                                                                                                                               “Konthey, nee ethra naalaikku thaan ippidiye velai senchittiruppe? Nalaikku onakkunnu oru kudumbam varum, Akkava Kalyanam panni kudukkanam. Athukkellaam neraya panam benam illiyaa? Onnoda intha thucha sambalam eppidi mathiyaakum? Neeye yen pudisaa oru hotel thodanga koodaathu?”

“I am very happy here. And, I can never ever imagine to be a competitor to Lakshmana Mama”, said my dad.

“Ithu paattukku ithu, athu paattukku athu. Chummaa manassa pottu kozhappikkathey. Nangalellam illayaa onna support panna? Onnum bhayappedathey. Onakku ethra panam venam, kelu. Naangal tharom. Hotel thodanga edam venamaa, sollu, oru kashtavum illai.”

Reluctantly, my father agreed after long persuasion by his well-wishers. Rest was history. He started a hotel in a very small way, in Big Bazar Street, close by, and named it “Anjaneya Vilas”  after his ishta deivam. Business flourished day by day, and because of his dedication, uncompromising quality of food items, and courteous service, the hotel became a landmark, and anyone visiting the city those days felt their trip will not be complete without tasting the iddlies, vadas, Dosas, and sweets, and coffee at ‘Anjaneya Vilas’ – something like a visit to Madurai will not be complete without a visit to “College Hostel” as some of my friends here may recall. He bought a small room in SM Street next to “Modern Café” where he started his “career” and constructed a Hanuman temple there. That was early Forties, and he has told me, Britishers would be eager to order food from his hotel regularly for all their parties … !!! He married some rich girl who was staying in a palatial Bungalow here in Lloyds Road, and after her death soon after due to Cancer, he married my Mom. I will now cut the long story short.

He felt enough was enough. He also found it too taxing to manage the hotel, what with increasing labour problems, Unionization, and around 1945 or so, he sold the hotel. I had been there a few years back and the hotel was still there in Big Bazar Street, only thing the name is changed to “Maruthi Café”.

He purchased a three-storied house with a huge ‘Thodi’ (backyard) in Manjapra, where we all grew up playing Chillu Pandi, Goli, Bambaram, Rounders (Desi version of Baseball), Chuttem Pullum, Lighters (crude form of Kho Kho), and EVEN CRICKET … !

Let us come back to the Blog Title. Our Head Mistress was one “Valliyamma” (who was not very kind to me and my sisters). She would roam about with a thick tapered black stick with a silver ‘Kumizh” or cap, and will not hesitate to beat the children at the slightest excuse. Once I created a poem which read,

“ValliammaTeacher,                                                                        VelliyaazchaDivasam,                                                                 VellivadiKondu,                                                                      Kuttyoleyokke Thalli…”

And, I was proudly reading the poem loudly, to impress my friends, and girlfriends in particular, when Valliamma Teacher apparently heard me. She came running and beat me in my hands and thigh with her ‘Velli Vadi’. At home my father was furious, seeing the blood clot on my palms and thighs. Next day as soon as the school opened, he came and started shouting at the Head Mistress as to how she can beat a small boy so mercilessly. And threatened her that he will see to it that she is transferred to Wayanad.

                                  (With my class mate, Sarada)

After a few days, she met my father on the road, and told him, “Saami paranja mathiri thane cheythu, Alle? Enne Wayanaattilekku Transfer cheythu tto….” However, my father had no role in that, and that was just a routine transfer…! He must have laughed to himself. 

I am stopping here. Perhaps, I will meet you all with another new and interesting episode on my childhood days. Till then, it is Good byeee, dearieeeeeeeeees....…..


                          In front of the village Krishna Temple
                              with my Childhood friends


a n a n d . . . . .
for ever..........

Fun & Info @
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.

It's about who come and never leave your side.

More will follow ……..


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Monday, 27 January 2025


A Rose is a Rose is a Rose – William Shakespeare                                                     

aka “What is there in a Name?


I will come to the Abdul Khader’s story.

I will be telling more about my school days, but first let me tell you why I consider names indeed matter a lot. Amavasai was telling me about his recent visit to the bungalow of Abdul Khader at Lucknow. They were meeting after almost 40 plus years. The initial ‘Ubhaya Kusalopari” etc., were over, and after Abdul introduced his wife to Amavasai, he asked about the children of Abdul. He told, the first two were already married and the third will soon get married. He called his first daughter, and when Amavasai asked her what her name was, she replied “NC” and went away. Then the second daughter came, and told her name was “MC”. Now Amavasai knew that in North people choose all kinds of names, like Babloo, Dubloo, Inki, Pinky, Ponky, and all weird names one can imagine. This was something he wasn't prepared for. He asked, “Is there any special reason for you to choose these two odd names?”

Abdul replied, “ Arre, nothing special, yaar. Soon after marriage, we wanted to know how it feels like having a child. So, because of Natural Curiosity, our first daughter was born. So we named her, NC. Amavasai asked, “What about the second?” Abdul replied, “After 4 years, we wanted to have another child, since we felt NC should not suffer from the ‘Single child’ syndrome. Thus the second girl was born, and we named her as “MC”, because she was born out of our Mutual Consent. There was an eeriee silence. Amavasai said, “But you said you have three daughters? Where is she? Gone out or something?” 

Abdul said, “No, No, she is here only”                                   But, he was reluctant to call his third daughter. However, Amavasai insisted, and after his repeated requests, he called his third daughter. Amavasai asked her, “Betee, kyaa naam hai theraa?” She ran away without answering. 

Obviously dismayed, he asked Abdul what her name was.

"Arre, Chodo yaar. Talkalk about something else"            “Come on. You have to tell me. Are we not the best of friends, and you know there’s no secrecy between we two, and Ananth?” With persuasion after persuasion, Abdul very, very reluctantly said that his third daughter was named “ABC”  

Amavasai almost swooned ! The names, NC, and MC, though sounded weird, had some logic behind them. But ABC was something way beyond his wildest imagination. And even after repeated request, Abdul will not tell the reason behind naming his third daughter, “ABC”. Finally, he yielded when Amavasai threatened to severe his friendship unless he told him the reason.

“Don’t laugh at me, please"                                                 “That was 'ABSOLUTE  BLOODY  CARELESSNESS', hence the name ABC ......”

I am stopping my Episode here. More will follow. And wait further blogs.. BUT, DON’T YOU AGREE THAT NAMES DO MATTER A LOT, TELL ME HONESTLY….


a n a n d . . . . .
for ever..........

Fun & Info @
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.

It's about who come and never leave your side.

More will follow ……..


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(Episode 1 – Abdul Khader, Amavasai & Other incidents)


I was born in the year India became independent. Yes! In 1947, but a few days before that epic mid-night development, which was to become history in the following years.... On the 10th of May, to be precise.

Like all of you, I too had the proverbial “wonder years”. In the next few episodes, I shall be telling you about those wonder years - at least whatever I can recollect. I was born with two siblings above me (Another was to be born 3 years later). We had all the sibling rivalries, fights, reconciliations, etc., etc.

On turning 5, I was put in a government school nearby. (Manjapra Elementary Girls School) Though a co-ed school, the girls far outnumbered the boys, and I didn’t like the tag of “Girls” School. Not at all. But since the school was hardly 50 metres from our house, my father insisted that all of us should have our primary education there. I can’t recollect much memories here, except that I lost the Class Leader election, while in Std. 5 (through secret Ballot) by a huge margin, 2 for me, and 18 against me. I got the votes of myself and one Abdul Rahman, son of the Postman, ‘Saybu’ by which name the entire village and nearby places knew him. Abdul Rahman was a great fan of me and would do anything for me. I lost the election for two reasons. Being secret Ballot style, My rival from the same village, Balasubramanian and me had to choose, any one symbol. He smartly chose the “Two Bulls” symbol. I didn’t think much about it then, so I chose “Lotus” as my symbol. Now, Nehru was the Prime Minister then, and the great Congress Party’s symbol was ‘Two Bulls. So, naturally the “Lotus” had absolutely no chance against the “Bulls”. On hindsight, had the class leader election been held today, or say after 2013, I would have won it hands down....  !!!

Another reason for my ‘pathetic’ failure was because the class teachers would always compare my “intelligence” with others, and would ask them to be like me. To be frank, I was like the king with a cut nose in a state where all others had NO nose. ...... !!! (There is a saying in Malayalam, “Mookkillaa Rajyathu Muri Mookkan Raajaavu” !!!)  However, that experience gave me a big life’s lesson, I must say. Because, till then, I would get upset for any type of failure, be it my team losing, my not winning any prize in the deshi lotteries, or even my not becoming the class first in term exams. After the pathetic defeat in the election, I decided to take things lightly, and not to get upset on adverse situations. On that day, I decided that I will never ever be cowed down by challenges when they stared at me. I would rather convert the challenges into opportunities.

My real school life starts when I leave the ‘girls’ school after 6th Standard and join the nearby Chamy Ayyar High School at Ayakkad, some two miles away. Oh yes! I’m flooded with memories at C A High School. For example, my first day at the school entering the 7th Standard or "2nd Form” (Section A). For starters, those days schooling was for 11 years. Upto 5th standard, it is elementary. From Sixth Standard, or First Form, the high school starts. And we had the Public Exam on the 11th Standard, or more precisely, Sixth Form. And then the college life starts. 

I will now come to the Abdul Khader’s story.

Even before I joined the new school, Miss, Saraswathi, the 7th standard ClassTeacher already had apparently told stories about me. That he is super intelligent, has already cleared the ‘Rashtra Bhasha’ exam of the Dakshin Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha with first class etc. I was taking tuitions with her since my “Pradhamik” level, and she knew me very well. Now as soon as I entered the class on my first day at the new school, I was able to see the hostility all around. Everyone was staring at me like a dirty animal, or may be a totally unwanted guest. Now, a stout black boy came to me and scowled, “So, you are the new super intelligent student, right?” I kept quiet. Then he asked me what my name was etc. Say, a crude form of "Ragging". Thereafter, he continued, “OK. If you are good at Hindi, then tell me, the meaning of the word I will ask you’. I agreed, and he continued, “What is the meaning of “Bandhar?” I didn’t know what to reply, but mustered the courage and wanted to put this boy in his place. So I replied, “Well, that is another name for YOU ...” And all other students laughed loudly (because everyone knew Bandhar means ‘monkey’). He then challenged me to ask him the meaning of any Hindi word. I told him, “Tell me the meaning of “Lifafa” (It means envelope, actually)” he blinked, and all the boys and girls clapped me, and I became popular instantly. Sundaran, Chamy, Abraham (Who later became my bosom friend in later years), and of course Amavasai came to me and shook hands with me.....

And when the Class Miss, Saraswati teacher entered, four of us were asked to sit in the front bench. Abdul Khader, Abraham, Amavasai, and myself. What is common or the connection between Abdul Khader, Amavasai etc., is only that all names start with the first and best alphabet, “A”. Seating was in alphabetical order for ease of attendance. We became thick friends till we left school in 1963. However, we were in touch ever since. That day evening, Abdul Khader came to me before leaving the school, and said sorry, and that he wanted to be my friend. I gracefully accepted ... !  

I will be telling more about my school days, but first let me tell you why I consider names indeed matter a lot. Amavasai was telling me about his recent visit to the bungalow of Abdul Khader at Lucknow. They were meeting after almost 40 plus years. The initial ‘Ubhaya Kusalopari” etc., were over, and after Abdul introduced his wife to Amavasai, he asked about the children of Abdul. He told, the first two were already married and the third will soon get married. He called his first daughter, and when Amavasai asked her what her name was, she replied “NC” and went away. Then the second daughter came, and told her name was “MC”. Now Amavasai knew that in North people choose all kinds of names, like Babloo, Dubloo, Inki, Pinky, Ponky, and all weird names one can imagine. This was something he wasn't prepared for. He asked, “Is there any special reason for you to choose these two odd names?”

Abdul replied, “ Arre, nothing special, yaar. Soon after marriage, we wanted to know how it feels like having a child. So, because of Natural Curiosity, our first daughter was born. So we names her, NC. Amavasai asked, “What about the second?” Abdul replied, “After 4 years, we wanted to have another child, since NC should not suffer from the ‘Single child’ syndrome. Thus the second girls was born, and we named her as MC, because she was born out of our Mutual Consent. There was an eeriee silence. Amavasai said, “But you said you have three daughters? Is she here, or gone out or something?” 

Abdul said, “No, No, she is here only’ But he was reluctant to call his third daughter. But Amavasai insisted, and after his repeated requests, he called his third daughter. Amavasai asked her, “Betee, kyaa naam hai theraa?” She ran away without answering. Obviously dismayed, he asked Abdul what her name was.

“Arree, chodo yaar.. Let’s talk about something else” “Come on. You have to tell me. Are we not the best of friends, and you know there’s no secrecy between we two, and Ananth?” With persuasion after persuasion, Abdul very, very reluctantly said that his third daughter was named “ABC 

Amavasai almost swooned ! The names, NC, and MC, though sounded weird, had some logic behind them. But ABC was something way beyond his wildest imagination. And even after repeated request, Abdul will not tell the reason behind naming his third daughter, “ABC”. Finally, he yielded when Amavasai threatened to severe his friendship unless he told him the reason.

“That?”, “Don’t laugh at me please”                                                                                                   

“That was 'ABSOLUTE  BLOODY  CARELESSNESS', hence the name ABC ......”

I am stopping my First Episode here. More will follow. And wait for further blogs..NOW TELL ME HONESTLY, DON’T YOU AGREE THAT NAMES DO MATTER A LOT, DON’T THEY???


a n a n d . . . . .
for ever..........

Fun & Info @
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.

It's about who come and never leave your side.

More will follow ……..


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Friday, 11 August 2023

DOING NOTHING ..........




After a huge gap, I decided to publish a blog once again today. (The page was dormant for almost 18 months). The immediate provocation (?) was a video (a repeat, though) in a whatsApp about doing nothing. Having entered the ‘retirement’ phase of life couple of years back, I know, more than anybody else, how difficult it is to stay home, and do nothing..... ! I was reminded of this beautiful story of this ‘Saamiyaar’ (Swami Ji, or Godman) who was staying in a temple in a remote Tamil Village.


Like all other staff and workers attached to the temple, he too was getting his quota of one ‘padai’ (measure) of ‘soru’ (rice) every day. All those attached to this temple were assigned specific duties, like, bringing flowers, lighting the lanterns, arranging the puja materials, washing, cleaning the premises, etc., etc. However, our ‘Saamiyaar’ didn’t have any duty. He would come when the temple opens, and leave when it closes. He was known as “சும்மா இருக்கிற சாமியார்” (Summaa irukkira Saamiyaar), that is, the Swamy Ji who does nothing. He would sit a particular place without doing anything whole day, probably smile at some devotee occasionally. That’s it. Nobody had any issue with the practice because he was simple, well-behaved, and just stayed quite all through the day. And, one extra measure of rice is anyway not going to matter much. And the practice continued till the temple management changed. The government took over the temple, and a new Administrative Officer took charge. Obviously, the MBA graduate wanted to prove his mettle. While going through the accounts he found out that certain amount was shown against the food expenses of one Saamiyaar. He asked the Supervisor what the Saamiyaar was doing, like what are his duties.

He was told that the Saamiyaar was actually doing nothing, and he was known as SUMMA IRUKKIRA SAAMIYAAR, and he was also provided with one measure of rice, that is, ஒரு படை சோறு (Oru Padai Soru) every day, like all other employees attached to the temple. Now, our Administrative Officer was furious.

“What nonsense! How can he be given free food every day, that for doing nothing? This is atrocious” he yelled. “I want this practice to be stopped immediately”, he ordered.


And that day, poor Saamiyaar didn’t get his usual morsel of rice. He found out about the embargo by the new Admin. Officer. Saamiyaar went and met the new Officer, and requested him to listen to him before stopping the ration. He asked, “May I know why my rice quota if stopped?” The officer replied, “How can any one be compensated for doing nothing? And, sitting at one place doing nothing is the easiest thing one can ever imagine”

“Have you ever tried it, Sir?” he asked. “I have a small suggestion. Please sit quite for two hours tomorrow, and then decide on stopping the ‘oru padai soru’ which I was getting all these days.”         “What is the big deal? I will prove tomorrow”


And the next day, the Officer sat at the place where our Saamiyaar used to sit as soon as the temple opened. People were coming and going. Some were smiling, some were making hushy comments. The staff were chatting, and some were watching whatsapp messages, Facebook / Instagram videos, and sharing. The officer wanted to rap them, but he was supposed to do nothing for two hours. His Blood Pressure was shooting up. And the clock was moving very slow. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes..... He didn’t know what to do. He had to watch silently the passers by making fun of him, making snide comments..... ! One hour passed and he just got up and rushed to his office. He typed out something himself and pasted the paper in front of his office. People were very curious to know what it was. It was a NOTICE signed by him... And, it read,


“சும்மா இருக்கிற சாமியாருக்கு இன்று முதல் ரெண்டு படை சோறு .......”           (Starting from today, the Saamiyaar will be served TWO measures of rice)  


Enjoy your week end, chums ......................


a n a n d . . . . .
for ever..........

Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.
It's about who come and never leave your side.  


Sunday, 3 April 2022



I’m going back to my school days. And, it’s vacation time. Come April month, and we discuss between us “ingenious” ways of fooling the ‘girls’ on the 1st. After all, that was the time for everyone to entertain themselves at the expense of others…. 😂 There was no Radio/TV, let alone WhatsApp, FB, Instagram, Telegram*, Viber, Messenger, Skype etc.. etc.  those days.


In olden times, you must have heard about people getting "April Fooled" through anonymous  phone calls, false warnings, fake news, etc. etc. As I was mentioning, during our childhood days, we would devise new, novel ways to fool people that day, year after year. Some would receive them sportingly, some get annoyed, and angry. The Newspapers of April 2nd would be full of imaginative 'April-fooled' stories..... And we discuss and enjoy them all...

However, now a days, we look at April 1st as just any other day. Could be because the likes of 'home delivery' apps, grocers, banks, print / visual media, the so-called 'gurus', why even the political outfits, governments, opposition, and every other person or agency you come across, in short, anyone and everyone you deal with day in and day out, has been FOOLING you for a long time now. So, there should be why one more day of fooling !!!

But then yesterday was ‘different’. Tell me, have you ever been "April-fooled" by a digital alarm clock?

"Digital Clock"? Look at the alarm clock above - 'SONY' make, made in US, working on 110V - gifted by our son when we were at the US for his convocation in the year 2006 😍 - still 'active'. Only thing, I don't use it for FM/AM, or alarm (except when our 4-year old grandson is around, to take a break from the monotony of Bangalore life….                                            

That is when both Alarm A and Alarm B are activated by default! And, that is only one of his activities and experiments he does with many other gadgets at home!) And I will have real tough time to reset the gadgets to original settings, especially because the fellow had experimented discreetly 🤭 Now, lets come back to the title.

Well I WAS fooled lock stock and barrel, this morning. For knowing this, you should know some history. Call it habit, 6th sense, or gut feel or whatever. Though I normally set the alarm (5.15)  every night, I wake up exactly before it goes off (+ or - 5 minutes) - every time. And today was no exception. The mobile under the pillow vibrates. (I've set it in such a way that the vibration comes first, and then, the music in ascending format..... The icon at the centre like in most of the smart phones, is for 'snoozing' and when you swipe upwards, the alarm is switched off. Obviously, I swipe it while half asleep. And, after 5 minutes of lazing about and rolling over, I look at the digital clock, and it shows 3.35. What the hell ????

Considering the plethora of dreams I was passing through over the night, I thought it must be some 6 to 7 hours of slumber, and the start of another usual day, and I should get ready for the walk after tea etc..... All the more so, because, I could see feeble light behind the window curtains, indicating the dawn. How on earth can it be 3.35?

To cut a looooong story short, I must have slept off again, and this time, it showed 5.45. I clicked a snap from my mobile, thinking I would use it for sending 'Ugadi' wishes .... However, on closer examination the time of click in my mobile showed 7.30 !!! And, the wall clock in the hall and digital clocks in the other two bed rooms also showed more or less the same time... It was then, it was then that it dawned on me that America has reset their clocks. (Power saving exercise) And it is not the first time this was happening to me.

Now, you should know that USA practices something called “DST”, or Day Light saving Time. Here is what Wikipedia tells us about DST as practiced in the US

Daylight saving time in the United States is the practice of setting the clock forward by one hour when there is longer daylight during the day, so that evenings have more daylight and mornings have less. Most areas of the United States observe daylight saving time (DST), the exceptions being Arizona (except for the Navajo, who do observe daylight saving time in Navajo Nation),[1] Hawaii,[2] and the overseas territories of American SamoaGuam, the Northern Mariana IslandsPuerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands. The Uniform Time Act of 1966 established the system of uniform daylight saving time throughout the US.[1]

In the U.S., daylight saving time starts on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November, with the time changes taking place at 2:00 a.m. local time. With a mnemonic word play referring to seasons, clocks "spring forward, fall back"—that is, in springtime the clocks are moved forward from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. and in fall they are moved back from 2:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. Daylight saving time lasts for a total of 34 weeks (238 days) every year, about 65% of the entire year.

The following table lists near future starting and ending dates of daylight saving time in the United States:






March 10

November 3


March 8

November 1


March 14

November 7


March 13

November 6


March 12

November 5


March 10

November 3


March 9

November 2


ALL clocks are set in such way that the time changes automatically every time...... AND, THAT WAS HOW AN INNOCENT-LOOKING ALARM CLOCK FOOLED ME ON THE "ALL-FOOLS DAY"...........😉🤭😂

However, the time should have got changed on March 13th. Perhaps it had chosen 1st April night, purposely. Or, the 15 plus years old piece is becoming like me…..


For those who have some of your relatives / friends in the US, or those who are interested to know more about the topic, click the link below:

That’s all for now, guys… See you later with something different. Byeee.

a n a n d . . . . .
for ever..........

Fun & Info @
Friendship isn't about who you have known the longest.

It's about who come and never leave your side.

More will follow ……..

 Fun & Info @