Wednesday, 13 August 2014


Come another Independence Day. I do not know if there is much to go gung ho about the arrival. Far from it, probably.



Much water has flown under the bridge since that historic mid night saga, 67 years ago. But don’t you think we simply refuse to budge out of square one? At least that is what the impression one gets seeing the utterances of some of the politicians - ‘secularism’, pseudo secularism, majorities, minorities, hidutwa, minority appeasement, majority neglect, my god! People are trying to bend these outbursts or happenings around, to suit their convenience, if you look at the debates in most of the TV channels. Suddenly, we are waking up on the issues of communalism, violence, sampradayikta (hit the link below to know what the word means), etc

Velankanni of Elliots Beach     
And this happens every time the elections are round the corner. People unnecessarily waste their time and energy to analyse what some one remarks. The same people maintain a stoic silence when innocent people are crushed by terrorist elements, public properties damaged, people are forcefully converted. Because you do not want to alienate some particular section in the population - you don't want to lose votes.

Aadi days are here...

We are in the 67th year of breaking the shackles of British Raj. We claim to enjoy life in free, independent India. Today, I have this uncomfortable feeling that we stand exactly where we started. Very unfortunate. We are fit to be only watching those stupid sitcoms on TV channels, and shed tears....... People had some faint hope on Anna and his men. But the team first disintegrated to a new set up, and today, AAP seems to go through the inevitable process of disintegrating itself.... 

Though we say we are Indians first and all such lofty talks, in the heart of hearts, we are hindus, muslims, christians, sikhs, punjabis, gujratis, mallus, bengalis - every thing but indians.



ദീപസ്തംഭം മഹാശ്ചര്യം 
നമുക്കും കിട്ടണം പണം  

